MPP merges with 52 Entertainment!
We are very excited to announce that Master Point Press is now a part of the 52 Entertainment Group, based in France. The Group is strategically focussed on bridge and similar games, and includes Bridge Base Online, FunBridge, and French-language book and magazine publisher, Le Bridgeur, among others.
This move will open up new markets for our books and authors, as well as the possibility of our being able to sell products from other parts of the group. MPP President Ray Lee said, ‘I’m delighted that we have secured the future for the company that Linda and I founded 25 years ago, and that it will be an important part of an organization that aims to support and promote bridge throughout the world.’
Ray, the book Defensive Signals by Marshall MIles (1995, C&T Publishing) is out of print and is now selling for $50.00 to $125.00 a copy used. Is there any way you could get the rights to the book from C&T and republish it? C&T’s phone number is 925-677-0377.
I have missed the event due to lockdown. I wish to see these authors. Please share some information like images or videos in your next post. increase your Facebook post visibility.